Creative Services
An innovative boutique agency, that offers engaging creative design across multiple platforms. Always vibrant, imaginative and unique.
Below are our core offerings, all engineered and crafted in the_Lab... and whether you need all of these services or just one, the_Lab is ready to deliver every time.
Out-of-the-box, in-the-box, even making boxes themselves... thinking creatively is in our DNA.
From presentation concepts and design to social media output, we’ve got it covered.
Carefully considered design is at the heart of everything we do.
Virtual/IRL events for 50 - 5000+ for some of the worlds most innovative and forward thinking companies.
Corporate sting, kick-off opening or documentary, we have the
same creative and ‘all in’ approach to everything we create.
A to B, if only it were that simple? In-house logistics mean nobody is left behind... ever.
Extensive experience and unique partnerships around the globe,
OsL offers comprehensive travel services even in these complex times.
Core Values
"Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you
may be violent and original in your work."
Gustave Flaubert
We don’t ever condone actual violence, but we do believe that a truly disruptive, engaging and ground-breaking creative process is born out of excellent communication, collaboration and organisation. OurSecretLab’s core values, are based around 3x key components and workflows:
If you want to be ground-breaking, then you must actually look to always break new ground. We will never recycle old ideas and concepts.
We will always look to provide fresh insight, design and possibilities for all clients, no matter the intricacies of the project, or the complex nature of brand guidelines.
We openly welcome the collaborative process, both internally and externally. We are always responsible for the work we deliver, the way that we work, and who we work with.
Always open to new ways of thinking, and work expectations, as a result of new relationships, but never at the expense of our other core values of creativity,
and clarity.
Since we always work with clients, on the basis that relationships will be long-term, it is essential that those collaborations be based on trust and integrity.
We will always look to provide not only financial clarity, and class-leading creative bang-for-buck, but where possible, we will bring cost-saving concepts to the table, wherever relevant.
This customer first mentality then defines the baseline workflow for everybody who works for, and with the_Lab.
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